Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Blinking Heart of North Truro

In another blog last night I read about some great links to Calif WPA projects and mentioned my favorite WPA guide was "Cape Cod Pilot" of which I bought a reprint edition at Dutras Market in North Truro years ago.Dutras was at the heart of North Truro a blinking light on 6a that was a big old house basically as a grocery on the left side and a package store on the right.On the left I had my NYTimes every day and a New Yorker every week and on the right side is where we bought cases and cases of 16oz Pickwick Ale in the returnable bottles for around 8.00 a case in the late 70's and early 80's.The cases themselves served as end tables etc in our living quarters each summer.Up the street from Dutras was Punchys Garage where in 77 I bought my gas for the Vega Wagon and on one morning coming out of the room between the restrooms at North Truro Camping Area I was still living at with my brother even though I had quit and was working at Babes I found that my car wasn't there.I had no idea where it was and walking past Punchy's at around 6:50 am I saw two cars from the Truro Police looking at me and I looking at them and thinking lord are they grinning at me because they know where my car is and how I did whatever I did last light.But after walking up Puke Hill on 6a to Babes I found out that my car was indeed at a house on Pond Road a little worse for the wear and the really cute blond girl from Corn Hill pretty much convinced I wasn't boyfriend material.

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