Saturday, April 11, 2009

This and That

It seems I always come across something on my bus trips to and from Trader Joe's and today was no different.I was waiting for the Bus afterwards and a Bentley Coupe pulls up to the light with personal plates that read 2.0 GPA.Also today Knuckle Sandwich returned from his week long visit to his grandparents in Ariz.Only 8 but this is the second time he's gone there and back solo on the plane.While he was gone he received a letter from the President in reply to one he sent him.It's on a nice little card and I told him he should frame it but he sort of ripped the envelope up it came in.Sweet Pea seemed not so impressed but then maybe it was because she was plotting her easter egg hunting on Sunday at her cousins while rocking out to Rock Lobster on her DVD player and telling me her strategy at the same time.

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