Friday, January 8, 2010

The Hat Lady Returns

I picked up a bus in Santa Monica today and there was the hat lady from my neighborhood whom I haven't seen in months.But instead of a homemade grocery store hat she was wearing a store bought thing I can only describe as something a Victorian woman would have worn on a tiger hunt in India.She did not seem to know who I was today so I did not mention to her the rather strange headgear.


Anonymous said...

Where is/are earlier hat lady post(s)?

nnyhav said...

It's been 6 months. Have you run off with the Hat Lady?

Christopher said...

whats the point of this blog its nice but your title is have you ever been stung by a dead bee?

Anonymous said...

visit my new blog plaese

VL said...

Would you mind if I used this blog post in a zine I print and distribute around my college campus?

JAbel said...

VL ,I had not been here in quite some time but you can use it if you are still interested.Always happy to help a fellow Wester New Yorker.

Vivian said...
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