Thursday, May 21, 2009

Summer Reading

I was out on the patio this eve amongst my plants hearing voices from the Gnomes scattered about I tell sweetpea only I can hear so now she tells me the potted trees talk only to her.I was glancing through last Sundays NYTimes book review and I happened to look at the Mass Market Fiction paperback best seller list and found some gems.#15"Forbidden Nights With A Vampire",The hot tempered vampire owner of a sizzling nightclub is forced to take anger management classes and meets a man who dares to tame her. #19"Till There Was You", A 21st century man looking for love time-travels to 13th century England;romantic complications ensue.

1 comment:

JAbel said...

I stand corrected.Sweetpea told me tonight it is the newly planted Snapdragons that talk to her not the trees.