Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I was watching this nature show tonight and they had some beautiful shots of swamps.It brought to mind a day several years ago when I was in NYCity in October.My New York friend Henry and I went to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden for the day and we were in the area behind the Japanese garden where there was a small swampy area with a few ducks.As we were standing there a small group of Chinese tourists came up next to us.After a few minutes one of the ladies in unsteady english asked us 'Excuse me are thosa har das?"Huh? a smile and then"Are thosa Harr dass?" What? She said it again with a bit more pointing and my friend Henry says"Hot Dogs?","No those are cattails".We could tell she did not quite get it but they looked somemore and we walked off before it registerd so we did not have to explain cattails.

1 comment:

nnyhav said...

Which brings this to mind ...