Friday, March 7, 2008

Hemingway vs Faulkner

At least I know folks are reading as I get emails.A bunch of my friends don't post in blogs so it's nice to know it's being read by that segment.Those who have replied here so far thanks.I just enjoy putting up the odds and ends.Some of you have been asking about the name.Well I THOUGHT it was the line Walter Brennan kept asking everyone in the Bogart movie"To Have and Have Not"But it turns out what he really says is"Was you ever bit by a dead bee".Who gets bit by Bees!?I could blame my memory of the line from watching it way too many times in the wee hours at the Frat House in Brookline drinking Pickwick Ale back in the day or on Hemingway who wrote the novel but I don't recall the line in the novel.In fact the movie has very little to do with the novel so I'm going to blame it on one of the guys listed as a screenwriter for it and whom I dislike to this day for daring to touch something of Hemingway's.William Faulkner.There I said it I have a phobia about Faulkner.Don't like him one bit.Never have never will.


nnyhav said...

PSU got mail

JAbel said...

He made his father buy a copy of his book???.I wonder how Penn St. came to get this collection.The Paterno Library?They named it after a football coach for cryin out loud.Looks like some interesting letters though.