Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Winter has yet to blow in

Another great day of rain and low clouds.I love it!!.There was even snow falling in Malibu today though it did not stick.But all day the interstates north to San Fran and east to Las Vegas are shut down due to snow in the mountain passes.I started the F.Scott stories last night and read till nearly 3 a.m..I'd forgotten how much I really liked them in my younger days.L.A. is supposed to reach about 39 tonight downtown which is chilly and great reading weather under the covers.I hope we get a lot of rain this winter.It's really funny to watch folks around here put on gloves and down jackets when it gets down around 50.Bunch of Wimps........

1 comment:

Susan said...

Thought of you last week - saw Tim Dickey play at a Christmas thingy in Wellfleet. He was fabulous as ever.