Tuesday, April 8, 2008


This morning around 6a.m. I came out of a full sleep to what I thought at first was Knuckle Sandwich running down the stairs smacking the wall.Then I looked at the clock and realised it was to early for him to be going to school.Then I heard it again and this time I focused and heard a hammering sound.Lifting my head it sounded like it was coming from either the roof above me or outside a window.There are a few woodpeckers or sapsuckers that inhabit Southern Calif but as far as being in my area of Los Angeles I have never seen one.Then I saw a large shadow swoop by my window and I can only conclude it was a crow pecking at something though I have never heard a crow do this.It was like it was drilling for bugs.Termites do come out this time of year but I have never heard of a crow drilling for them though they eat just about anything.On top of that I have been hearing all of tonight the sound of cars passing over a metal plate on Beverly Glen probably from the new condos almost done up the road.The thump really stands out as the night goes on an fewer cars pass.

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