Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Happy 90th

My uncle who I have the first and last name of plus middle turns 90 on Friday.He is also my godfather and in a way that sometimes seems spooky I have become him in many ways.He finally sold his hunting camp in Canisteo N.Y. late this past fall.He and two other uncles plus two other guys bought it around 1965 and my uncle John bought them out over the years.Along the way he went from hunting there for Deer and Rabbits to not hunting at all and then for some years in his early 80's hunting deer again.I always loved our family trips there because the place was way up in the hills a few hours south of Rochester.The only water was from a rainbarrel outside and a spring down the dirt road that at one time came out in the trough for a farmers cows.The outhouse which is still there today was the only toilet.For several years we went for the 4th of July and had a great time launching fireworks into the field across from my uncles camp.It was surrounded by hills and already it was up in the hills which gave awesome views.When we were young the hills were something we climbed every time we went and if three cars came by in one day it was an event.More later on Bear Lick Lodge.

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