Saturday, July 18, 2009

40 Years Ago

This summer has some big 40 year events.In August we will celebrate the 40th anniv. of landing on the Moon and the 40th anniv. of Woodstock.Also during the past few days was the 40th anniv. of Senator Edward Kennedy's accident on Chappaquiddick which took the life of Mary Jo Kopechne.This date has become a religious holiday to the extreme right wackos much like President Clinton's impeachment.What I find ironic is that both of these feature Dicks.It's almost like the right wing is obsessed with them. I suppose it's the homo erotic episodes from boarding school for the Bush types and the first male cousins in a barn for the Gingrich types.Oh and the Genesee Beer sign and my graduating 8th grade from Saint Margaret Mary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bo, I really do enjoy your commentary on the world as it passes.