Sunday, March 15, 2009

No Moe

SweetPea and Knuckle Sandwich have discovered the Three Stooges.I've often mentioned them and have a Curly Doll in my bathroom window which they have asked about.A few weeks ago SweetPea says out of the blue I like Curly,he's funny and then as if on cue Knuckle Sandwich came outside and did a pretty good Curly imitation.They also love watching Spanky and our Gang(Little Rascals) so their parents are doing a fine job raising them.Yesterday I pointed out to Sweet Pea we have our first Iris blooming in a front bed just as the liitle daffodils are wilting though the big creamy ones are getting ready.I showed it to her and ask her if she likes flowers."I Like picking flowers" she says and indeed she does.Sometimes she picks herbs from our garden and mixes them into a "salad" as she calls it.She also likes to pluck the lavender and crumble it.I can tell when her and her brother have been outside just by the plant debris lying on the sidewalk in front of our building or on the patio.

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